"I can forgive, but I cannot forget.
The wounds of my flesh and my soul
may have healed long ago.
But wounds of the heart
that bleed for loved ones, never heal./
Now, one of the last living survivors
of those monstrous crimes,
my life is no longer entirely my own.
They also live within me!/
I must transmit their awesome legacy
to future generations of all colors, races, and creeds,
lest similar crimes destroy their world,
as they once destroyed mine.
For the unimaginable is again possible.
When rampant economic and political upheavals
unleash turmoil, insecurity and fear,
populist folly empowers bloodthirsty leaders."
"Yes, providence has smiled upon me,
and today my cup truly runneth over./
But in the end, what am I,
if not a humble messenger
from a world that once collapsed,
alarmed to see the present world
heading for another collapse?
And what is my message, if not that man,
though created in your image,
and endowed with freedom to choose between good and evil,
remains capable of the worst, as of the best,
of hatred, as of love,
of madness as of genius.
That unless we heed the lessons of the past,
cherish the sanctity and dignity of human life,
and uphold the core values of all great creeds,
sacred and secular, the forces of darkness will doom
our dreams of a radiant future,
with peace, freedom and prosperity for all. // "
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